Before getting into the hobby, I didn't know much about beekeeping or bees. I didn't know any beekeepers personally. I honestly didn't give them much thought (except when I was about 10 and stepped on a bee in clover - I gave a lot of thought -- and hops on one foot -- at that time!). But when I talk to people, it's amazing how many people either knew a beekeeper, had relatives (usually parents) who were beekeepers, or otherwise had some connection to beekeeping. And universally, they had very positive comments about bees in general.
Even my next door neighbor, who said she is allergic to bees, is supportive (she just doesn't want to get too close!). But her daughter said, "Cool!" when I told her abotu them. People recognize the value bees provide to agriculture, and are genuinely interested. I'm known at work to have a lively discussion over lunch about the subject of bees, when people ask me how my bees are doing. It's fascinating the interest it generates.
Also, beekeepers are an odd lot too. They are very willing to expound on their art (like I am too!) and share with anyone willing to listen. They give a lot of their time helping other beekeepers. It's a good brotherhood to belong to!
So if anyone wants to know more about beekeeping, just ask! :-) Or better, do some research - lots of good beekeepers blog about their experience. There are some good books to read (look earlier in this blog for my reading material recommendations).