Wednesday, January 7, 2009

The Adventure Begins...

Well, I guess it's official - I've entered the world of Beekeeping!

This Christmas Santa brought be a new beehive:

(Son #1 put his Webkin on the top - he thought it needed a little class!)

The hive is from New England Beekeeping Supplies. But having an empty hive isn't what made it official; I also put in my order for a "package" of bees, so it's no going back!! A package consists of a wooden and screened box, with a queen bee and about 4 pounds of 15,000 workers bees! Here's a picture of a package:

Beekeeping really starts up in the spring, and the bees will arrive in April. Since the place I ordered the bees from is local, I'll go and pick the bees up. But believe it or not, bee packages can be sent through the US postal service (how'd you like to be the postman who receives 15,000 bees in the mail!).

I'm also trying out my hand at blogging - I figure this'd be a good experience to discuss. Even though the blog is called "Steven's Bees" I don't promise to keep things focused on beekeeping; I may stray into politics, current events, religion, family, or some other topic. Tough - my choice!

Even though the bees don't arrive until spring, it doesn't mean I don't have a lot ot do before then. Winter is time to prepare the hive (I need to paint it, and build a stand for it, etc.). Plus there is a lot of education and training which occurs over the winter. I'll discuss these aspects and other beekeeping issues in future blog posts.

In the meantime, if you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave them on this blog.

The adventure begins!!

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