Friday, April 2, 2010

Lethargic Bees?

The weather is a nice 65 degrees. At noon I took a look outside and saw lots of activity on the green hive, but very little activity on the brown hive. The bees looked very lethargic. Here's a video that I took:

Can anyone shed some insight as to why the bees are acting this way?


  1. Steve, you may be queenless. Thats what my Nucs looked like during my recent splits. Depressed if you will. Once the queen hatched, they ramped it up big time.

  2. This is my first hive. As of a couple of weeks I have lethargic bees on the landing also. So do I get a new queen now (Aug 19) or do I wait for them to produce a new queen. I have noticed that I don't see lots of eggs like in the spring but they are still bringing in pollen and filling up the honey comb.
