Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy One Year Bee-versary!!!

It was a year ago today that I hived my first package of bees. Happy bee-versary to me (and the bees!).
A lot has happened during my beekeeping adventures. I thought it would be fun to have a retrospective post of some of those experiences.

In addition to all of the activity at the hives, I have been to a bunch of Worcester County Beekeeper Association club meetings, seminars, inspections etc. and have met wonderful people who have been very helpful.

This blog has over 90 posts documenting my many adventures, and has generated many comments and questions, and I learn a lot from each of you who comments (and hopefully I have been able to share information to those of you who don't comment, but who read). The Internet forums at BeeSource have also been an invaluable source of information and advice, as have the various Facebook groups and friends.

From the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for helping me in this little adventure. It has been a fun learning experience, and in our conversations if I come across as overly enthusiastic, you have my apologies (but not too much!).

I'll leave you with the final Calvin and Hobbes comic strip for my final thought:

I know I will have more fun to come, and together it will be an adventure. Here's to a prosperous 2nd beekeeping year!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy B-Day to you, Happy B-Day to you! Congrats on your first year. I'm looking forward to following your blog for another year.
